Monday 20 June 2011

Day 19...Playing Catch Up

Ross had been asked to be the godfather for one of his best friend’ daughters, Emilee.  She has a twin Eleana and their christening took place today.

We all headed over, dressed up and excited about the day ahead.  Both Dylan and I were meeting more new people, as we continue to bring more of Ross’s life and ours together.  Which, I have to say is, and has been, a lovely experience so far.

The church was full of its usual congregation for the regular Sunday morning service; they welcomed us, and all the other additional guests that were part of the christening party, with open arms.

There we were in a beautiful church, 2 beautiful baby girls surrounded by the warmth and openness of the congregation, its minister and our new friends.

What became apparent throughout the day, and afterwards, is that friendships that last are amazing things to have in life.  For whatever reason, I’ve not really held onto my school friendships.  I moved away to London, then Edinburgh, with a very short stint in between in Birmingham, and throughout all my time in these places I’ve made friends, but not friends for life, until more recently.  I suppose I’ve never really had very good experiences in the past with my friendships, mainly because they and I didn’t value them enough.

Watching Ross and his friends laugh about old times, reminisce and pull each other’s legs on a whole range of topics made me appreciate the bond between true friends.

In the church service the minister talked about the relationship between science and god, and how having belief and a connection to something bigger than just ourselves can inspire us. 

In the same way as the minister, I believe that I experienced something similar yesterday afternoon.  Connections between friends who have all developed their lives separately, yet have managed to keep their faith in each other no matter what.  For me they were all are able to recognise what they have is special, bigger than each individual, because they’re all connected by the faith and belief they have in each other.

To witness and experience this made me realise that kindness is the appreciation of individuality and the acceptance of that uniqueness.  Regardless of what’s happened in the past and no matter what may happen in the future.

So as they accepted Dylan and I as a serious and important part of Ross’s life, I also accepted them in the same way, just as serious and just as important.

I’m really not sure if this would be classed as an Act of Kindness?

As I drifted off to sleep, I thought about the mutual appreciation displayed and the recognition that both parts of life, past and future, require faith, belief and a connection that goes beyond oneself.  

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