Tuesday 21 June 2011

Day 20....What Piano Recital?

My son forgot to tell me it was his piano recital today.  Typical!

I had a full day ahead, as I was training all day.  As we drove to school and we talked about why I needed to work and the short notice of the recital.  The one thing I was conscious of was letting him down so I said that I wouldn’t be able to make it. His heart sunk, his shoulders and body physically said he was disappointed. 

“I really want you to be there mum” was his words

Mondays are always a rush.  I always try and do an hour at the gym, as said previously it helps me, before rushing to pick him up from school, feed him and then get is ready for football practice.  And that was my plan today.  But as I saw his physical deflation and disappointment I knew I’d have to change my plans.

I pulled up just outside school and decided to write a quick note to the piano teacher, explaining I was working but I would most probably be able to get there for 4pm or just after and would appreciate it if Dylan could be on after that.

Dylan seemed much happier as he walked into school knowing I would be there after 4pm.

I went about my day, did the training and funnily enough, the day ended half an hour early, so just after 3.30pm I headed over to the school where hopefully I would get to see Dylan perform.

The music school auditorium was packed with parents and children all waiting for their big moment.  A black grand piano sat in the middle of the stage waiting just like the children in excited apprehension.

The head music teacher was talking to the audience as I entered the auditorium and so I hovered trying not to make a scene, however before I knew it I could hear “Please come in and take a seat, come on in, don’t be shy”

No matter how old you are teachers always seem to have a way of speaking to you as though you are a child.  Slightly prickled by this, I quickly searched for Dylan who sat in audience. “Quick, Quick” came again from the teacher.

Thankfully I heard Dylan shout “mum, over here” and I manoeuvred myself quickly out of the limelight and parked myself next to Dylan.

He got hold of hand and squeezed it tight, resting his head on my arm, he said “I knew you’d come, I just knew it”

In that moment I realised I'd made my boy very happy by being there for him, and in turn that made me very happy too!

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