Monday 27 June 2011

Day 26...Three Generations

Dylan was on his way back from his dad’s, I was hopeful he would be clean but I wasn’t holding my breath.  Ross’s mum and husband were coming over for Sunday lunch and after a long lie and not realising it was nearly time for everyone to arrive, we quickly got about our chores.  Me, to the shops and then a quick once over with the hoover and a polish and Ross was to meet them en-route.  The Sunday roast was cooking slowly in the oven and the temperature outside was rising rapidly.   Unfortunately the sun was no where to be seen but with the windows open, the hot air created a nice Sunday afternoon vibe.

Dylan arrived not as clean as I’d hoped but a quick shower and a change of clothes got him back to normal and looking like my boy.

Sundays for me have always been a funny day, yet it was a day that had so many good memories.  As a young girl I would always sit while my mum peeled the potatoes and the veg in preparation for the Sunday lunch with my grandma Ivy.

We would always put the world to right, discuss my adventures at school, with my friends and when I was old enough to go out, we’d spend hours talking about my experiences, the outfits and of course the chat up lines.  At the time I used to think Sundays were a nothing day, a boring day.

When I look back and remember those Sunday afternoons now, I agree they were lazy days and nothing days, but they were days of sitting round the old kitchen table, eating chocolate digestives and drinking lots of tea.  My grandma, my mum and myself all together, the three generations.

So this Sunday it was my turn and like my mum has done for many years I too peeled the potatoes and prepared the veg in between talking to the three generations that were in my living room today.

Preparing and eating a meal with family over three generations is special.  I know that not everyone feels the same as I do about family, but for me, spending those rare occasions, where you can make a fuss of those you care about, surely can’t be a bad thing?

Having three generations round one table in its self is rare yet so very special.

Maybe I am wrong but I don’t think so….

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