Thursday 9 June 2011

Day 9... A Cuddle A Day...

I decided to go on a school trip with my son’s class as they were looking for parents to help out as chaperones.  This is the first school trip I’ve been on, as normally I’ve always been tied up with work but as this month is a little quieter I decided to offer my services.  And I am so glad I did.

So off I went to Holyrood Palace for the morning, 2 parents, 1 teacher and 28 kids.

What I don’t know about Bonnie Prince Charlie and Mary Queen of Scots isn’t worth knowing!

The Palace its self is beautiful, so are the grounds even though the rain poured intermittently it didn’t stop us all from enjoying the tour.  The children were all well behaved apart from the odd bit of argy bargee when they were asked to queue up in pairs and be quiet on occasion.

The highlight of the trip was to climb the old spiral staircase that led up to the very private bedroom of Mary Queen of Scots, where her beloved best friend, confidant and private secretary David Rizzio was murdered by her then husband, Lord Darnley.

See, I told you I knew a fact or two?

So as our tour was nearly coming to a close we had one last place to stop and see and that was the old Abbey that stood prominent, holding its own, even though now in ruins.  It is a very special place, a quiet place supposedly until we all arrived.  As soon as the guide started to point out the highlights of the Abbey, the heavens opened and our final moments of this grand tour came to a halt.

Thankfully I had my umbrella, so up it went and before I knew it, I had two of my son’s classmates huddled under the brolly with me.  One girl on either side, the boys obviously were relishing being in the rain, but the girls were different. 

We were told to make our way back towards the coach house, in pairs, except I was in a three with my new companions at the back.

It was then, when an act of kindness took place.  It was under my very small brolly with each girl on either side of me, when I suggested, to make sure their long hair didn’t get wet, that we all linked arms with each other.  Each girl cuddled in, their arm in mine and we walked steadily towards the coach house. 

One of the girls who was on my right side, really cuddled in tight and said “thank you so much, my mum tells me I can’t cuddle her, as I get on her nerves.  My mum and I never cuddle and I like cuddling. Can I keep cuddling you?”

I was totally blown away by such a statement. 

And that got me thinking about the power of human touch and how important it is for that contact with someone else. 

That moment of intimacy that can change an individual’s perspective and viewpoint of life.   It can change their mood, their behaviour and so much more.

I am no expert on the subject matter but what I do know is that for most of us human contact is crucial to our whole wellbeing. 

If we don’t get that level of intimacy can it have a negative effect on us when we transition from child to adult?

Can it determine if you are going to be a warm and open person?

Can it lead to having difficulties when trying to connect with others in the present and in the future? 

Or could it possibly turn you into being a “needy” person and one who craves attention? 

As said I’m no expert at all, however in that moment, under that umbrella, when that girl cuddled in tight, I knew she needed it.

So I allowed her to squeeze my arm tighter and we walked in silence until we got to the coach house.  “Thank you,” she said, “You’ve made my day”

How can a simple thing, such as a cuddle, that you and I no doubt take for granted, be so significant?

And then I realise that human touch at the right moment can be a huge act of kindness, because it shows warmth, it shows generosity and it shows you care.

Forget an apple a day… I suggest from now on, you have a cuddle a day…

What do you think?

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